Saturday, June 15, 2019

Conflict of Interest-role of Public Utility Board Essay

Conflict of Interest-role of Public Utility Board - Essay ExampleIn Case No. 76-6 involving the practice of bragging(a) gifts to impertinent reachicials, the NSPE Board of Ethical Review stated in part, Even though the practice may be legal and rented in the foreign country, and even though some might argue on pragmatic grounds the United States commercial companies should go along to protect the jobs of employees in this country, we cannot accept it for professional services. No amount of rationalisation or explanation will change the public reaction that the professions claim of placing service in front profit has been compromised by a practice which is repugnant to the basic principles of ethical behavior under the laws and customs of this country.we believe that the codes must be get hold of on this most basic point of honor and integrity not only literally, but in the spirit of its purpose to uphold the highest standards of the professional. Anything less is rationalizati on which cannot stand the test of placing the public ahead of all other considerations leads who do think it is acceptable to use an agent abroad to do the dirty run away thus acting like Pontius Pilate and washing ones hands of the problem, also need to realize that they atomic number 18 committing a felony under the U.S. law and are subject to prosecutionSo long as they are U.S. citizens, the Federal Corrupt Practice Act applies to them. His comment also applies to corporations. A U.S. corporation is a citizen in the eyes of the law. Those companies engaging in bribery can avoid the law only by giving up theirQ.2. The statement Take off your engineering hat and put on your management hat. implies that engineer shifts from their professionalism and assume another management task. This is vital especially when the management has loopholes that need to be addressed. Engineer B is employed in the engineering firm and is a atom of BOD in a local public utility. As a member of the bo ard, the utility uses 3 years to do a research on a new power generation plant.

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